Lilium Aurum

Tarnished gilding, with petals sweet,
It blooms within cobbled streets.
Years are scrawled across patina petals,
memories carved into the once-glimmering metal.
Yet the lily still reaches to the sun in the sky,
knowing it must continue to live and thrive.
So wear your scratches, the gouges and scars.
Because you are a lily.
Beautiful, just how you are.

About Us

Lilies are flowers that are as beautiful as they are deadly, a lovely balance in nature. To that end, Lilium Aurum is a syndicate driven by the idea of bringing balance to Eorzea. Though we can't be everywhere at once, through our local community in Ishgard, we hope that our influence, and what we stand for may bleed over into the other corners of our star.Our group is forged by those who have seen and done evil things. It is what they have been used to all their lives, and while our work is certainly not saintly, through our connections, we are able to do a little more than your average criminal gathering. We get dirty so that the star shines ever bright for others. That means quite often you will need to deal with unsavory situations and make choices that polite society might see as morally wrong. We handle the criminal, and otherwise diabolical cases that the factions within the Eorzean Alliance cannot. We also handle such matters like corruption, dangerous artifacts, cults, unstable magic users, and otherworldly creatures. There's an old saying, you don't hire saints to handle sin. We're a force for good, however we operate similarly to a gang. Can't fault us for that though, it's simply what we're used to. To that end we offer investigations, capture, protection, collection, and more... for the right price. We have our trades too, mainly information, artifacts we deem tradeable, and weaponry. Though, more recently we've been dabbling in the herbal market of Moko and Fogweed, which supplies our lovely Midnight Gold Lounge.There's one thing that must be remembered, whether you're working for or with us. Technically, it's legal, so long as nobody complains afterwards. Laws are mere words written on paper, lawful for us is what is best for the common people.

Our Team

Our members come from separate, yet similar backgrounds, with most of us at one point having served time, or have had connections with the criminal world, not always though, as many more join on for the love of the cause, even if it means having to force themselves outside of their own comfort zones. We offer a unique edge for jobs that we take on, tackling problems at angles that red tape would otherwise block these so called "lawmen" from doing. It is no wonder then why the Alliance trusts us to get the work done that they wish to not have to put in paperwork for, so long as they turn a blind eye to our extracurricular activities.To be a member, a record is not required, but what we do ask for in our team is someone who can listen, get the job done, and do so without endangering themselves or others. This isn't child's play, our works isn't for the feint of heart. There's a place for everyone in Lilium Aurum, should they have the drive to work for it.Do you think you're one of those people?

Contact Us

To join, all you have to do is send in a letter or application, and an interview may be scheduled with the Chief, Y'nul Tia. You may also approach any member that you see with a Lilium <<GOLD>> tag on their person. If you got what it takes, and you believe in our cause above a mere paycheck, we'll give you an interview.Look for the glimmers, wherever you roam, may tarnished petals lead you home.